The Hero of "Justice" (M)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Hero of "Justice" (M)
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2024 4:21:32 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar




Zachary had begun to travel around the Western area of Hoenn after his impacts with the area of the abduction and Area Zero. Alot had happened since then, and it was a while since Zachary left the safety of the city. Having fully recovered, he was back on the road. Sadly, Josh had to return to the gym and follow up on events left unchecked since his 'absence'. Interested to get back into the swing of things-- he took on a mission with the interest to learn more about Tera Shards/Tera Crystals. He had called Prof. Yew, who had suggested deposits existed in the western mines, so there he was. With Dizzy and his new companion, Nyx the Hoothoot in toe, they journeyed towards the mines where the Tera Crystals were...[break][break] Except most of it was already emptied out by Rocket intervention. Unaware, he was walking into a trap. [break][break]
[break][break] In a dark room, lit by a few monitors, A woman in a white and black laced lab coat looked up into the dark. In her hand was a Rontom phone, having just ended a call with her contact. "Yes, of course. While rumors of Tera Crystals in that region is scarse, its not impossible. Do keep me posted what you discover. Don't hesitate to call if you encounter any problems, my dear. Take care," she spoke and soon terminated the call. Her expression then changed from kind to cold and analytical as she put away her phone. The call to Zachary Stellar was over, and her guise dropped from that of the Pokemon Researcher. [break][break] She soon heard footsteps coming down towards the room where she was and soon glanced to see her new visitor. "I see you answered my request. I trust you are up for the task of taking on a foe to Rocket's Purpose? Are you not?" the woman asked, not bothering to turn around fully, but acknowledged the stranger's presence. She had made a request for a grunt to assist her in her 'experiment' and the goal she had in mind. [break][break] Either way, she was a cautious and calculating person-- and the goal in front of her was something she would adapt to, one way or another. If this person was a willing accomplice, the better to determine her goals. He would be aware of her status as an undercover spy in the league, but any more she would have to share with him should he ask. [break][break]

@tag @tag


Intrepid Sword Mission.[break]

Personal Xatu's Sleep Talk Rules: A die is rolled and "Sleep Talk" effect will be determine by the following. Roll 1-20, will use "Calm Mind", 21-40 will result in "Air Slash", 41- 60 will result in "Stored Power" , 61-80 will result in "Shadow Ball", 81-100 will result in "Future Sight." [break]




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Blaze, Ash
July 15
Hau'oli City
Experimenting, but boys.
Petty Thief/odd jobs kid
Rocket Grunt
If you want to be strong, learn to fight alone!
256 posts
Asher Baran DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @pokejun3
Asher Baran
The Hero of "Justice" (M)
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2024 15:39:31 GMT
Asher Baran Avatar
Asher and his shiny Alolan Marowak, Bones, walked into the room. He was told a spy in the League needed an assistant for something. Seeing as he wasn't doing anything important, the red head volunteered. The professor didn't even turn around, but Ash wasn't being sneaky either. "So long as it aint a gym leader, Elite 4 member, or some other elite trainer, I should be able to hold my own. I'm not exactly a known Rocket member either, if that helps." Well, knows, but seeing as the man had yet to report him, he doubted the League knew. That, or the League considered him such a minor threat as to not bother. Which suited him just fine.

"So, what's the mission?" Ash wasn't the best fighter, but he was far from being a slouch. But he could do other things as well. Just depended on what this lady wanted from him.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Hero of "Justice" (M)
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2024 15:02:31 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar




The mention of the league big players was indeed an interesting development for Prof. Yew. In fact, it made the woman smirk. "Is that so? " she said with a hint of teasing interest. "It may be more involved than you think. A target of our observations have come to light. " she said. While she didn't know he had entanglements to Josh-- he would soon enough. She soon snapped her fingers-- and in the dark a far larger monitor appeared. After a few seconds-- the league profile of a member showed up, revealing to be a blue haired individual. A yountful trainer by the name of Zachary Stellar. [break][break] "Zachary Stellar. A new member to the league. He first emerged on Rocket's Radar after his... intrusion into our efforts in Area Zero. He is also close friends with , a gym leader. Our intent is to see if we can use him. Though promising as a trainer, our interest in him is to use him as a pawn in league efforts, along with my position as a Professor. " she explained. "He's a trainer aspiring to be a gym leader-- but of far more interest is his plethora of psychic type pokemon. But if more important, and the reason for our surveillance-- he has an unusual talent in Terastellization. During the events of Area Zero, he invoked it without any Tera Orb. While not unusual, it was utilized in the most staggering way and increased the power of his Pokemon further. Regardless, he warrants further observation. " [break][break] Turning to Asher, she got to the point. "Upon learning this, I arranged to meet him, where I informed him of the research and gave him his Tera Orb. However-- it also allowed me to keep tabs on him." she trailed off and soon pointed the clicker to the screen. [break][break] It was then that the screen opened to a video feed-- which appeared to be some kind of satellite overhead surveillance. Further it also showed a map with a blinking red light. "We are able to track his movements via a tracer I placed in his Tera Orb. As long as he has it, we can track his movements." she explained. "From the communication I received and his position, he is heading to a deposit of Tera Crystals we had mined. The good news is that the deposit for the most part was mined, but still pieces may linger. While not a critical threat, this will give us a proper chance to 'assess' the level of threat he has to us. " she explained. [break][break] Sensing the question of what he had to do, Prof. Yew turned to him. "You and I will go under cover and confront this trainer as he enters the mines. You and I will engage him in battle. You are free to disguise yourself however you see fit, as will I to remain my cover. This is to test his affinity for Terastellization. If he proves successful, we will continue our observation and see if we can use him..." she explained, but in the option of other uses, she gave a wicked smile at that part. [break][break] "If not, we eliminate him. Any questions? " she asked. [break][break] The display showed Zachary walking along, accompanied by his Delphox companion Dizzy. Neither one knew they were being watched or observed. [break][break]

@tag @tag


Intrepid Sword Mission.[break]

Personal Xatu's Sleep Talk Rules: A die is rolled and "Sleep Talk" effect will be determine by the following. Roll 1-20, will use "Calm Mind", 21-40 will result in "Air Slash", 41- 60 will result in "Stored Power" , 61-80 will result in "Shadow Ball", 81-100 will result in "Future Sight." [break]




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[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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Blaze, Ash
July 15
Hau'oli City
Experimenting, but boys.
Petty Thief/odd jobs kid
Rocket Grunt
If you want to be strong, learn to fight alone!
256 posts
Asher Baran DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @pokejun3
Asher Baran
The Hero of "Justice" (M)
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2024 2:37:55 GMT
Asher Baran Avatar
The professer seemed to tease him a bit. "Involved doesn't mean difficult. Whatcha got?" She brought up the target of interest. A trainer? One that evidently made himself known in Area Zero and close friends with . The point was to see if he was usable to them. Guy wanted to be a gym leader, and was mostly a psychic type specialist. That made his eyebrows furrow. So what? Psychic types weren't particularly rare, and there were plenty of trainers with lots of them. It was the terastillization part that brought interest about the guy. Okay then, that was good enough for him. After a bit of background, she told the red head where this Zachary fella was heading.

And the point of the job. A test to see how strong he really was. More confused looks. "Wasn't there a ghost and steel type trainer that's been around longer and done more damage? Without gimmicks? At what point does someone "assess" him properly?" Ash vaguely heard about it one day. How the kid had no problem ending even a Pokemon's life if they were raised by a Rocket. And how terrifying he was with his ghosts and metallic monsters. Ash didn't catch a name yet. Either way, the plan was to confront this Zachary guy and test him out. If he failed the test, he was to be eliminated. Whoa...a kid? Even though he was in Rocket, he was a thief and a thug, not a murderer. Well, he'd play nice with the professor for now...but if that happened...he would have to think of something to cover for himself.

"None. Let me assemble a team for it, and I'll get ready immediately." If there was nothing else from the Professor, Ash would leave, along with Bones. Of course, the Alolan Marowak was going to be a must. Silky just evolved, that would provide some substantial power, plus she still knew String Shot. Snickers knew Dig, and Noodles Haze. Chompers also knew Dig, but also Sandstorm. Dazzle is just an annoyance and could potentially garuntee his survival. With that team in mind, he also got dressed for the part...

Team: Shiny Alolan Marowak (Bones), Volcarona (Silky), Thievul (Snickers), Arbok (Noodles), Gabite (Chompers), Salazzle (Dazzle)

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Hero of "Justice" (M)
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2024 13:41:34 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar




Prof Yew's response to Ash's comments were indeed quiet but direct as she assessed the radar and the map to show where their target was. "Good. Feel free to disguise yourself if you're shy. I have to to maintain my cover. One way or another, this experiment will yield some interesting results..." she said, hiding a sneer of a woman with clear alterior motives. [break][break] "Good. I will look forward to see what you are capable of too" she added. [break][break]
[break][break] It was midday as Zachary reached the entrance of the abandoned mine. It seemed sad to see it so desolant, and even spooky how the gaping hole in the earth seemed to 'groan' with sound. Perhaps wild Pokemon had made it their home? He had no clue to know. [break][break] Zachary stood before the entrance. With him, was none other than his trusty Delphox Dizzy. On his shoulder, was his newest companion-- a Hoothoot named Nyx. Lastly, one of his most dependable partners-- an adorable and brave Kirlia who Zachary had around for much needed support. [break][break] "So, our goal is to investigate the cave, and find any tera shards we can find in there for research at Prof. Yew's request. " Zachary told his pokemon, completely ignorant to the dangers lurking within. "Who knows. We may be able to gain new shards for us and find something like treasure in there. Well, so I like to imagine," Zachary said with a childish bit of glee. Dizzy gave Zachary a mild judgemental look-- knowing his partner was imaginative but wanted him to be serious in this dangerous place. [break][break] "Kirrr..." The chirp from Kirlia made Zachary turn, seeing a somewhat disappointed look on his face. [break][break] "Kirlia? You okay?" Zachary asked, seeing the little Kirlia look up at him, clearly seeming down about something. Kirlia had been mostly around, interested in either healing or teleporting them to safety. This was especially after events in Area Zero. "I'm sorry If I may of taken you for granted. You always are able to teleport us to safety when we are in trouble-- and I really appreciate it. I can always count on you, and you are very helpful. I just want you to know how much I appreciate that, buddy?" Zachary said, giving Kirlia a pat on the head. [break][break] His gaze soften a bit and gave an enthused cry of gratitude, glad to know he was helpful. But deep down-- it wanted to do more. It wasn't satisfied being on the side lines, only able to heal them or help them escape danger. It wanted to protect his trainer and friends more. [break][break] It was then, Zachary and his pokemon began their treck into the mines. [break][break]
[break][break] Meanwhile, deeper into the mines-- a dark portal appeared out of nowhere. A Phantom FOrce as a woman, clad now in black emerged-- along with an opening for Ash to also leave, followed by a Mismagius that had opened the portal, allowing them to travel to the depths of the caves. What Tera shards remained released a light glow, but more so showed mining equipment, both league and rockets that had been used. Now they just had to wait and lay out their ambush... [break][break]

@tag @tag


Intrepid Sword Mission.[break]

Personal Xatu's Sleep Talk Rules: A die is rolled and "Sleep Talk" effect will be determine by the following. Roll 1-20, will use "Calm Mind", 21-40 will result in "Air Slash", 41- 60 will result in "Stored Power" , 61-80 will result in "Shadow Ball", 81-100 will result in "Future Sight." [break]




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[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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Blaze, Ash
July 15
Hau'oli City
Experimenting, but boys.
Petty Thief/odd jobs kid
Rocket Grunt
If you want to be strong, learn to fight alone!
256 posts
Asher Baran DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @pokejun3
Asher Baran
The Hero of "Justice" (M)
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2024 1:52:05 GMT
Asher Baran Avatar
She didn't really answer much. Whatever, not his business he supposed. But his instincts were telling him to run or plow this bitch over. @isaac had said that there were some in Rocket that you shouldn't even associate with. Was this chick one of them? Moving on, he got a team that he liked that could be helpful in more than one way. Getting dressed in a combat suit of sorts that also came complete with a mask and gloves, it was time to go. A teleporting Pokemon would be so nice to have. Coming back, Yew was ready as well, with a Mismagius, and used Phantom Force to teleport them away. He'd seen it used like that before.

They reappeared in the depths of the cave, with a few Tera Shards around, revealing a little bit of mining equipment. Now it was the ambush. Taking out a Pokeball, he released Noodles, his Arbok. "Fill up the area with Haze. We're going to ambush a dude with a Delphox and a Hoothoot. Once he's here, Glare his fox and Coil." Well, it would be a little later for the Coil part. Noodles started to barf out a white fog, slowly filling up the chamber and into the tunnels. Asher moved to hide behind one of the mining equipment. The red head had kept his other Pokemon in their balls. Now it was just waiting for their prey to show up and for the Arbok's eyes suddenly visible in the fog, hopefully Glaring the Delphox into paralysis.

Team: Shiny Alolan Marowak (Bones), Volcarona (Silky), Thievul (Snickers), Arbok (Noodles), Gabite (Chompers), Salazzle (Dazzle)

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Hero of "Justice" (M)
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2024 3:44:45 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar
zachary stellar Avatar




Upon their set up, Prof's Yew was impressed by Ash's preparation, especially with a snake pokemon of his own. She pulled up the 'hood' of her dark costume, looking almost like a humanoid snake. ALmost akin to the color pallet of a Seviper. "Hmm. Not bad. Looks like I was right to choose you. " she explained as she took out one of her own Pokemon-- revealing it to in fact be a Seviper It hissed as it shook its tail, eager for some action.[break][break] As the cave filled in with haze, their ambush would come soon enough... [break][break]
[break][break] The entrance to the cave looked to be a rather big mess. The machinery seemed abandoned. Like some kind of fighting broke out. Or something tore up the mining site. Shards of tera crystals still littered the ground, but most dull and useless there. They cracked under his feet as he moved about. [break][break] "No way... did all of this just happen?" Zachary asked, curious why the mine was abandoned. [break][break] Dizzy gave a warring bark as he tried to understand what was going on. [break][break] As they ventured through, Nyx and Kirlia too grew cautious at the signs of conflict that were in the mines. This had must of happened a few days ago. Was Prof. Yew not aware of this? Something cleary was wrong. [break][break] And then, the HAZE began to become known, eclipsing more of the cave and its walls. [break][break] "Huh? Where did this mist come from? " Zachary asked, unsure what would cause it so deep underground. [break][break] Following a hunch, the little Hoothoot Nyx began to fly a few feet forward. Without orders from Zachary-- the smart little owl took the initiative to protect her trainer and flapped its wings hard. A gust of wind began to kick up down in the cave-- Defog - ing the area to reveal more if he could... [break][break]

@tag @tag


Intrepid Sword Mission.[break]

Personal Xatu's Sleep Talk Rules: A die is rolled and "Sleep Talk" effect will be determine by the following. Roll 1-20, will use "Calm Mind", 21-40 will result in "Air Slash", 41- 60 will result in "Stored Power" , 61-80 will result in "Shadow Ball", 81-100 will result in "Future Sight." [break]




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[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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Blaze, Ash
July 15
Hau'oli City
Experimenting, but boys.
Petty Thief/odd jobs kid
Rocket Grunt
If you want to be strong, learn to fight alone!
256 posts
Asher Baran DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @pokejun3
Asher Baran
The Hero of "Justice" (M)
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2024 2:47:53 GMT
Asher Baran Avatar
Ash justed waited. Though something caught his interest. The haze...it was disappearing?! That Hoothoot! Did it know a move that could quell it? Ash wasn't knowledgable enough on moves to know for sure, so he just instructed Noodles to to move to one side of the entrance. As soon as the Hoothoot came into the chamber, the Arbok used Glare to try to scare it into paralysis. That should slow down any kind of support! Now for the problem Pokemon. The snake zoomed towards the Delphox with a Crunch at the ankle, to try to throw it into one of the pieces of mining equipment.

From behind one of the said pieces of abandoned equipment, Ash released Thievul. Snickers started to Dig underneath for a sort of one-two punch. Worst case, he'd be pretty close to the fighting. It was also his escape artist too. Ash just watched and waited, hoping for the opportune time to get into a slugging match with the boy himself.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Hero of "Justice" (M)
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2024 13:02:54 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar




A few seconds as the Haze began to fade with Nyx flapping her wings energetically to clear it up-- a sudden appearance of red eyes rewarded her efforts! [break][break] HOOOOT! she cried as she saw the eyes and fled-- scared stuff and flew right for Zachary's shoulder, nervous by it. [break][break] "Nyx? Nyx, what's wrong?!" Zachary asked-- but didn't get much time as the Arbock suddenly lunged and bit into Dizzy's leg! The vicious snake soon whipped Dizzy about and threw him away, completely catching them all off guard! [break][break]Dizzy gasped as he was thrown, taking extreme damage from such a powerful dark attack! [break][break] Zachary's eyes were wide with alarm! "What the heck?!" Zachary gasped as he looked through the passing Haze, spying two figures. One with the owner of the Arbock- the other however was a taller woman, dressed completely in black with a hood. [break][break] "Don't mind us... we're just clearing out vermin." the disguised Yew said. [break][break] Unable to tell who they were-- but from their disguises, Zachary knew this much. "You?! You're Team Rocket, aren't you?!" he declared angrily for hurting his Delphox. [break][break]
[break][break] While any dark attack was going to do in a psychic type-- luckily Dizzy was not so weak he couldn't take a single dark attack like that. Grunting from the pain, Dizzy rose back to his feet and took out his stick. His eyes burned with fury as did the tip of his stick. The Delphox was now pissed with Blaze![break][break] However, unbeknownst to Zachary and Dizzy they were not alone as a serpentine creature crept up on them from the old Rocket machines. "Gorgon... poison tail." the woman hissed, pleased. [break][break] Both Zachary and Dizzy's eyes widened! It was an ambush! [break][break] The seviper lunged to strike Dizzy from behind-- but Dizzy was quick to evade as the fox rolled out of the way just in time-- now seeing both snakes creeping around. [break][break] It was real easy to panic now and Zachary didn't have the time to take out another pokemon. Kirlia beside him gave a coo of concern as he saw Dizzy hold his own! Not waiting around-- Kirlia came running into the battlefield, intending to help Dizzy! The little Kirlia didn't even hesitate and gave a pulse of blue watery magic! Life Dew that dropped on Dizzy-- and healed some of the damage caused by the Arbock's bite! [break][break] "Thanks Kirlia! Good thinking! " Zachary said, but realized they were in danger now. They had to act. "Dizzy-- use Psyshock!" [break][break] With both snakes being poison types-- psychic damage was the smart thing to do! Dizzy let out a howl as his eyes glowed-- Using both stick and its other hand-- Dizzy launched a barrage of psychic-purple lightning bolts! They both soared and arched in the air-- raining down towards both snakes in the hope to strike them down! [break][break] While Arbock was in Ash's command-- the Seviper in the other rocket's quickly tried to slither out of reach, easily hiding among the machinery to avoid the impact. [break][break] Soon the snake crawled free, hissing as it shook her tail. [break][break] "Aw-- it's so adorable you think you have the advantage, little boy. But you're not the only ones with options..." she said as she too held out a Tera Orb of her own! [break][break] As the Tera Orb glowed-- spinning and illuminating the cave, as the shards of remaining tera crystals resonated with it. She then threw the orb-- causing it to burst its light. Black onyx-like crystal jetted up around the Seviper, and soon shattered! The black and violet serpent was now encrusted with a black sheen--and her head now marked by an odd 'crown' with a wickedly smirking face of some sort above its head. [break][break] A dark tera type Seviper had now appeared. "Dizzy! Use psychic!" Zachary directed. [break][break] Dizzy let out a growl as he too released another Psychic attack, attempting to hurt the snake. The snake's body glowed from the attack-- as if it was about to be sent flying...[break][break] ... but nothing happened! [break][break] Zachary and Dizzy looked in equal surprise. "What?!" he gasped. [break][break] "Foolish, little boy," the woman in black said with a chuckle of dark amusement. "Did you really think you were the only one who could Terastellize a pokemon? Such childish heroism and naivety will be the death of you." she playfully implied as a threat. [break][break]

@tag @tag


Intrepid Sword Mission.[break]

Personal Xatu's Sleep Talk Rules: A die is rolled and "Sleep Talk" effect will be determine by the following. Roll 1-20, will use "Calm Mind", 21-40 will result in "Air Slash", 41- 60 will result in "Stored Power" , 61-80 will result in "Shadow Ball", 81-100 will result in "Future Sight." [break]




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[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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Blaze, Ash
July 15
Hau'oli City
Experimenting, but boys.
Petty Thief/odd jobs kid
Rocket Grunt
If you want to be strong, learn to fight alone!
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Asher Baran DOLLARS
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Asher Baran
The Hero of "Justice" (M)
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2024 1:04:27 GMT
Asher Baran Avatar
The ambush was at least a partial success. Partial because Ash could tell that Zachary spotted him. Arbok went into Coil increasing his own defense, accuracy, and attack power. The Delphox rose back up, eyes ablaze with Blaze. So not quite a knockout blow. The professor had another plan though, with an attack and a Pokemon out that he didn't see. A Seviper came out with its bladed tail glowing purple. That fox was quick though, dodge rolling out of the way, the other boy's Kirlia stepping in and using Life Dew on the Delphox, healing it quite a bit. Then came a psychic barrage. "Gunk Shot those psychic shards!" Aside from more complex uses or manuevers, Ash didn't really need to command his Pokemon. So instead, he darted off to the side, taking out a Tanto Dagger to stab at the blue haired trainer.

Noodles the Arbok's throat swelled, and he launched a gunk of poison, drool, and muck at the psychic energy above, colliding and creating an explosion, releasing a sticky, toxic mess raining down on them all. That's when the professor made her own move, terastilizing her Seviper into a dark-type. And the Fox failed a massive blow. Did...the guy not think that one through? Ash was now right at him, feinting with the dagger, but aiming a fist to the jaw. From underneath the Delphox, Thievul finished using Dig, using his advanced hearing to locate and tunnel right underneath for another super effective hit! Granted, Snickers the Thievul wasn't a physical attacker, but he wasn't a complete pushover either.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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zachary stellar
The Hero of "Justice" (M)
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2024 14:57:32 GMT
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The poison type from the first attacker was indeed a danger, as he used his own power to block the Psyshock. The result led however to a rather bad disadvantage. Zachary now faced that , and the lady's Dark-Terastellized Seviper. A clever combo! Zachary was easily thrown off by the surprise attack. Even as they attacked, Team Rocket was now in force. It was clear they were now gunning after any league trainers with force now! It was slowly becoming a war![break][break] It was then that Arbock erupted from the ground and attack, knocking into Dizzy and striking hard! Zachary was blindsided by the sudden attack from the trainer himself-- wielding a knife. [break][break] Dizzy was shocked by the attack of the digging snake-- and was about to respond-- but was soon stopped as suddenly the Dark-Seviper acted! In a quick jump the snake WRAPPED around the Fox, tieing the Psychic Fox up! Dizzy gave a sharp yelp, now immobilized by the sneaky snake! [break][break] "A pity. Looks like you are just another dime-a-dozen trainer who thinks the world of himself..." she said as Asher moved in! [break][break] However-- [break][break] "KIR!!" Kirlia cried as he jumped in front of Asher, knocking Zachary out of the way! [break][break] Zachary tumbled to the ground, Nyx now fluttering in the air as she hooted angrily at Asher and the Seviper! The fight was in complete chaos as Zachary recovered, seeing Kirlia having taken the hit. Though a human attack, a blow was still a blow as the poor Kirlia desperately protected his trainer and friend. [break][break] "Surrender now, little boy. Do so, and we will treat you as a prisoner of war. There is little point of resisting. You are out numbered," the woman hissed. [break][break] Zachary gritted his teeth. He couldn't let his pokemon suffer-- and Dizzy now caught in the Seviper's grasp made things even more hopless. But Kirlia soon began to shout-- both telling off the woman, warning the rocket assassin-- and trying to encourage Zachary not to give up. [break][break] In the Kirlia's mind-- it loved Zachary and his friends. The moment they met, he had always worked to support and protect those he cared about. Even long before their encounter in the woods, Kirlia provided assistance to needy pokemon. But this was enough. It couldn't just support them anymore-- he wanted to fight and stand up against those who would dare hurt his friends. [break][break] Kirlia trembled, a stray tear in his eye as he soon let out a fierce cry of rebellion! [break][break] And then it happened... [break][break] A bright light suddenly glowed off Kirlia-- blinding the surrounding area with its emegerence. Zachary looked on, equally surprised. "Kirlia?!" Zachary shouted, but the flash made him look away. [break][break] Kirlia stood between Zachary and Asher as its glowing form shifted-- transformed. Its body became taller and leaner-- longer arms extending out. It took on a humanoid shape, being no taller than a human. [break][break] The light soon faded-- to reveal that the Kirlia had evolved, now becoming a Gallade!" [break][break] "Whoh... Kirlia evolved..." Zachary gasped as he got out his Pokedex. [break][break]
Gallade, the Blade Pokemon. The evolved form of a male Kirlia. Possessing a strong sense of justice, honor, and swordsmanship-- this pokemon acts to protect others against those who would hurt them. It protrudes blades from its elbows, able to deliver swift, and powerful blade attacks.
[break][break] Gallade stood resolute before the Rocket members, surprising them too. [break][break] "Wha... it evolved in the middle of a fight?" Yew said, surprised. [break][break] "Analysis complete. New moves verified in target Gallade. Zachary's Pokedex spoke, informing him his entire moves had changed. While Zachary had no idea what his new Gallade could do-- Gallade was about to use his new power to protect his trainer and his pokemon friends. [break][break] "Grrrrrr!" Gallade snarled at Asher with a sharp leer of his eyes, warning him to go away. He may have had a knife-- but that would be nothing compared to a Blade Pokemon's edge. [break][break] "Enough! Gorgon-- CRUNCH!" The disguised Yew shouted, and the Seviper prepared to sink its sharp jaws into Dizzy![break][break] "Dizzy-- No!!" Zachary cried. [break][break] In that instant, Gallade took action. In a blink of speed, Gallade was right on top of Seviper and mid-air. While no attack-- Seviper delivered a swift kick with its stronger legs-- hitting the Seviper in the face to stop the CRUNCH. [break][break] Using that chance, Zachary got out his pokeball for Dizzy! "Dizzy, return!" Zachary cried, firing the beam of the Pokeball. Dizzy soon vanished in a flow of light, freeing him from the WRAP and keeping him safe inside his Pokeball. Now it was all on Gallade. [break][break] It was then it raised its arm out-- and as if in a stretch or pose, it began to psych itself up! With a dramatic pose before both the two Rocket enemies, finishing with a dramatic stomp and shove of its arms. [break][break] Suddenly, flashes of sword-shape light surrounded him, as if to empower his moves! Sword Dance had taken shape, and now had powered up Gallade to take on both foes! [break][break]

@tag @tag


Intrepid Sword Mission.[break]

After a dramatic moment and Dizzy bound by Seviper's Wrap attack-- Kirlia evolves into Gallade after saving Zachary! [break]

Gallade saves Dizzy from CRUNCH, allowing an opening for Zachary to recall Dizzy! . [break]

Gallade used Sword Dance like a power ranger to intimidate his enemies. [break]



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Blaze, Ash
July 15
Hau'oli City
Experimenting, but boys.
Petty Thief/odd jobs kid
Rocket Grunt
If you want to be strong, learn to fight alone!
256 posts
Asher Baran DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun3
Asher Baran
The Hero of "Justice" (M)
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2024 1:19:33 GMT
Asher Baran Avatar
Snickers the Thievul practacally knocked the fire fox right into Seviper for a Wrap attack. Noodles again used Coil, to enhance his defense, accuracy, and attack power again, readying another strike. Snickers circled the Delphox maliciously, avoiding the sticky, toxic mess that Noodle's previous Gunk Shot left around. Ash wasn't too surprised that a Pokemon knocked his prey out of the way. The Kirilia took his punch, knocking him down. Welp, let's see if he can't get some fancy blue hair! Turning towards Zach, he ignored the hooting Hoothoot, flipping his Tanto around with surprising skill. The Professor made her demands.

Kirilia started to yell at everyone. Ash, or anyone really, didn't know what it was babbling about. Soon enough though, it started to glow white, startling the other teenager and making him jump back, almost into one of the piles of sticky toxic goo. A Gallade?! "Wait a minute, doesn't that need a dawn stone to evolve?" Where was that stone?! Ash was already backing away, careful of his own created field of toxic goo. Then the Professor attacked. Only for the Gallade to save the fox. Snickers fired off a Dark Pulse at it. This was going to be a far more interesting fight than he anticipated.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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zachary stellar
The Hero of "Justice" (M)
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2024 4:53:10 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar




Zachary too was baffled-- that his dear Kirlia just eruptedly evolved. However, he soon saw something. At first he thought they were shards of Tera Crystals, littered through the mine. But it wasn't that. Glowing, azure stones seemed to permiate the ground. Dawn Stones, which glowed in response to Kirlia-- and now had become a Gallade. [break][break] The reason why, aside, the Gallade looked at his attackers-- determine to make them pay for such cowardly attacks and threatening his trainer. The sword-wielding Pokemon was furious. [break][break] The Dark Pulse was released, aimed at Gallade. However-- the sharp Pokemon didn't hesitate to act. Suddenly, the form of Gallade vanished, becoming a blur of movement. [break][break] In that moment, several mirages of the Gallade appeared, surrounding the cavern! Double Team -- it had used the move to move so fast it left after-images of itself. The Dark Pulse just fired off into a nearby wall, missing the target and making the illusion vanish. [break][break] "An interesting development. Seviper, Poison Tail!" the woman shouted. Her Seviper, now coated in Tera Crystal, had its tail begin to glow. It soon lunged forward and snaked its tail to strike at the copies. [break][break] However, Gallade was clever as it opponents attacked in vain. From above-- Gallade was pointed to attack. In that instant, Gallade's arms glowed with a blue aura-- and soon threw them forward! Blades of watery energy flew outward, aiming to hit Ash's Snickers with its powerful attack! The blades seemed to resonate stronger of all things-- powered up by the pokemon's Sharpness ability! [break][break] " No way..." Zachary breathed in amazement, seeing his Gallade take the stage. "Gallade, your amazing!" [break][break] Nyx the Hoothoot soon cheered, flapping her little wings on his shoulder. [break][break]

@tag @tag


Intrepid Sword Mission.[break]

Gallade uses Double Team to evade attacks. [break]

In an attempt to strike back, Gallade uses Aqua Cutter to strike back. . [break]




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Blaze, Ash
July 15
Hau'oli City
Experimenting, but boys.
Petty Thief/odd jobs kid
Rocket Grunt
If you want to be strong, learn to fight alone!
256 posts
Asher Baran DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun3
Asher Baran
The Hero of "Justice" (M)
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 21:40:49 GMT
Asher Baran Avatar
Instead of hitting the Gallade, the Dark Pulse hit a replica, as the Gallade started moving so fast as to create multiples of itself. A Double-Team! The Professor's Seviper soon started its own assault on the copies, using Poison Tail. Snickers soon used Burning Jealously, spewing pink-ish flames everywhere at the clones. Noodles also used Gunk Shot, hurling huge globs of poison at them as well. There was just so many! Soon the real one showed up, using Aqua Cutter on Snickers. Before he could warn the fox, it was too late. The attack hit the fox right in the middle of his back! It caused a little bit of an explosion, but the lines of damage was clear, and Snickers was out of the count.

Snickers wasn't the most durable of Pokemon...but still, to be freshly evolved and one shot his fellow thief boy? Irritated, best to bring out all the stops then! Taking out a Pokeball, he released a shiny Alolan Marowak! Bones, his ace Pokemon. The fire and ghost type looked like a brute as he swung his flame infused bone over his shoulder, looking right at the Gallade. Making a come hither motion, the Alolan form challenged the psychic type for a fight. Whether the professor and her Seviper obliged to take a back seat for the one versus one would be another question.



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